

Super Junior China Is Set To Debut on April 1

SM Entertainment has announced the Debut of Super Junior China against ELF's protests, dismissing any doubt of the subgroups being just a rumored. The supgroup is set to officially begin their Chinese activities on April 1 when their MV will be released, which will be the Chinese version of "U", Super Junior's hit MV back in 2006.
Members featured in the MV:
훼 Donghae
퓨어 Geng
름요 Kyuhyun
령아리 Ryeowook
완자 Siwon
모찌 Henry
주멱 Jumyuk


According to some Chinese ELVES SM has been releasing samples of Suju China's debut album asking listeners to fill out a survey:
1. Name, age, gender
2. do u know super junior?
3. did you like the sample?
The album is said to have included 2 new songs, and the chinese version of U and Miracle

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