

EXCLUSIVE interview: Brian Joo of Fly to the Sky

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Q1: It’s already the year 2008!! Do you have anything you want to do in this New Year?

A1: I wanna go into acting and hopefully into Hollywood to break into the US market… Just Like Yun Jin Park(from “LOST”) and James Kyson Lee(from “HEROES”)(Lost and Heroes are two of his fav. tv shows!! Oops, he made a mistake in his answer…it’s Kim Yun Jin, not Park Yun Jin..hehe)

Q2: What are your New Year’s Resolutions, that’s if you have any?

A2: To get back into shape and build a healthier body… To be stronger emotionally because I am way too sensitive… and to spend more time with God and build-up my spiritual life…(He likes to work out and is very religious. Brian…hope u finish reading that Bible of yours soon ^^)

Q3: We heard that Hwanhy’s coming out with a solo album. Is it true and can you give us any info at this time about it?! Even if it’s the slightest tidbits ^^

A3: Well, Hwany is going to be releasing a solo album but, since he’s busy with is drama “SaRangHae”, I don’t have an exact date when that will be released… sorry, for not being much help to you…(yay!! Can’t wait for his album and drama ^^)

Q4: So you guys are having the “Ready to Launch” concert in Hawaii on February 9th. Why did you guys choose to have it in Hawaii instead of a place where there are more fans, like in LA?!

A4: Well, to be honest, Hawaii contacted us and wanted us to do a show there and I’ve never been there so I am looking forward to it… And it’s not that we’re not trying to do shows in other areas, but we just need time to talk to business people in those areas and we need to get sponsors… I hope you understand…(fans, start booking your tickets and get ready to party!!)

Q5: Have you ever thought of crossing over to the US or just coming out with an English album?

A5: Plenty of times, but timing is always an issue… Cause we always end up doing other things to keep us from doing all the things we want to do… Hopefully, one day… I’ll get to live that dream of breaking out into the States(Brian, never give up, hwaiting!!)

Q6: It’s almost your’s and Hwany’s birthday!! Is there anything special you guys want to receive or do?!

A6: I know this’ll sound like an obvious answer, but I really appreciate and love all the gifts our fans give us… even the little things… Although, I do know that I’m getting a few HUGE gifts this year, like a computer, monitor, speakers, and so on… I LOVE MY FANS~!(Brian’s birthday is on the Jan. 10th and Hwany’s is on the 17th!! Now…I gotta find his address…haha…fans please don’t stalk him!!)

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